
public final Unit computeVerificationCodeFromQrcodeWithBiometrics(String qrCode, FragmentActivity activity, String promptTitle, String promptSubtitle, String promptDescription, String negativeButtonText, Callback<String> callback)

Function that generates the 6-digit OTP that the user needs to enter in the browser when authenticating with the offline QR Code Factor, when the user presence is going to be verified using the biometrics. Before calling this function, it should be confirmed that the user has biometrics enabled by using the function getActiveUnlockMethods. This method is only available when the SDK LockConfigurationType is SDK_PIN_WITH_BIOMETRICS_OPTIONAL.



raw value parsed from the the QR code scanned.


the activity that will present the biometric authentication to the user.


the title used for the Biometrics prompt.


the subtitle used for the Biometrics prompt.


the description used for the Biometrics prompt.


the text for the “cancel” button of the Biometrics prompt.


used to receive the verification code or the error of this operation.

See also



if the SDK is configured with a LockConfigurationType other than SDK_PIN_WITH_BIOMETRICS_OPTIONAL.

if there was an error when parsing the QRCode.

if there is no account enrolled for the provided QRCode.

if a cryptographic algorithm required is not available in the device.

if a error occurred during the biometrics verifications.

if the biometrics verification fails.