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Customer Story

Clientis seamlessly migrates 23 banks to Futurae’s Platform

The Clientis brand unites a group of independent regional banks under a common umbrella. Its core business is composed of mortgage financing, which is largely funded by savings, payments, investment and pension services. Customers are heterogeneous covering private individuals, SMEs, and institutions. As the group's service center, Clientis AG supplies the affiliated banks as well as independent regional banks and third-party institutions with services in the areas of refinancing, IT, marketing, and compliance.

Clientis Migrates 23 Banks To Futurae’s Platform | Futurae


The Clientis Bank group was using mTAN (SMS) and matrix cards as their authentication and transaction signing methods. Since SMS does not correspond anymore to current security standards and involves high costs surrounding its setup and maintenance, Clientis decided to modernize their infrastructure, and sought for new solutions in user authentication for their web banking.
Due to the diverse customer base of all the different banks, initially the organisation feared that migrating 23 banks would not be a straightforward task. As an additional challenge, the Clientis group was going to be the first organisation using the banking software Finnova to implement Futurae’s Authentication Platform.


Futurae helped Clientis implement the new authentication and transaction signing platform for all of their users on a timely basis. Clientis could benefit from the product level integration of the Futurae platform in their existing Identity and Access Management, Airlock. The expertise of Futurae and all involved partners helped the Clientis group to configure the authentication system to the individual needs which were encountered. Whitelabel access apps enable the banks to gain flexibility in the design and functionalities of current and also future needs. A key success factor of the timely implementation was the close collaboration and transparent communication between all parties involved throughout the implementation process.


In using Futurae’s authentication and transaction confirmation platform, the Clientis banks benefit not only from access to improved security, but also from seamless and straight-forward processes related to onboarding, login or changing devices.
The new authentication and transaction solutions mean that no compromises are needed either from a security or user-friendliness standpoint, supporting the banks in strengthening their digital services for their customers.